Archives mensuelles : Février 2024

Texas Instruments

Texas Instruments (TI) stands as a global leader in the semiconductor design and manufacturing sector, renowned for its high-performance semiconductor technologies and exceptional customer service. Since its establishment in 1930, TI has been at the forefront of innovation, driving the development of electronic technology.

Nova Technology's Vision for the Future: Pioneering Quality with Our Planned Testing Laboratory

In the dynamic realm of electronic components, the quest for innovation is continuously matched by the demand for unassailable quality. Nova Technology (HK) Co., Ltd (operating under IC ONLINE CO., LIMITED) stands at the forefront of this journey, not just as a participant but as a visionary leader. We are excited to share our ambitious plan for the near future—a state-of-the-art testing laboratory that is currently in the planning stages. This initiative represents our commitment to pushing the boundaries of quality and reliability in electronic components.